Monday, January 19, 2015

Going to Provincial Debate Championship!

This weekend was important for me as a debater.
I competed in Lower Mainland Regionals Debate Championship and placed sixth in the novice category. Fortunately, the top six qualify to go to the British Columbia Provincial Championship in February. I am also the best novice speaker in all  Lower Mainland public schools! That wouldn't be possible though if I didn't have the best coach - my sister!
After only two months of practicing, two of the NRP debaters were in the top ten best in Lower Mainland. That means that we are the best novice public school team!
Way to go Norm Rose debaters!
Our Regional Debate team with our coach in the middle 

This is when I was recognized among top six novice speakers

My convincing speech

Don't we look so professional?! Like real lawyers!

Our coach and my debate teammate that is also among the top ten debaters
My conclusion on "This House Supports Child Labour" debate topic

See more on my debate page